Senator Mary Moran

Thursday, 27 February 2014
New initiative for young adults with Autism or Complex Needs launched in Drogheda
Minister Kathleen Lynch, Miriam Martin and Senator Mary Moran the the launch of "The Hub"
Minister Kathleen Lynch
I was delighted to attend the launch by Minister Kathleen Lynch of "The Hub" in Drogheda today. Run by Praxix Care on behalf of the HSE the "Hub" provides individualised programmes of day activity that promote social inclusion and service use choice and control to young adults with autism, intellectual disability or complex needs in the Greater Drogheda area. The aim of the Hub is to enable school leavers with complex needs to live within a safe and nuturing community environment which promotes options and choices, underpinned by a person-centred, needs led approach.
The Hub is a partnership between Praxis Care, HSE Louth Disability Services, the Genio Trust and Autism Support Louth and Meath and ABACUS School for Children with Autism, Drogheda.
The first participants started receiving support in May 2013. Parent Annemarie Durnin spoke of the impact of this new initiative on her son. "My son is so happy with his new life as a young adult. He now has a very active life doing activities in which he is interested and his horizons are widening all the time. we had been so terrified about what would happen to him after school and are now so relieved and pleased. It's a very exciting chapter in the lives of these young people with complex needs".
Do you want to start a new business in Ireland?
Do you have a business but want to expand and grow?
Do you need help with a business plan to help you get funding for your business?
Are you looking for support to get your business idea really working?
If you answered YES
to any of these questions and you are a member of an ethnic/minority
community living in County Louth or the Newry & Mourne area Louth
County Enterprise Board’s Ethnic Entrepreneur Programme might be for YOU.
WHO | The programme is available to members of ethnic/minority communities living in County Louth or the Newry & Mourne area |
Complete programme includes
WHERE | Drogheda and Dundalk |
WHEN | March to June 2014 |
HOW | For further details and application form see or contact Sarah Mallon on 042 9396948 or |
programme is supported by the European Union's Peace III Programme as
awarded by Louth Peace and Reconciliation Partnership
Labour Senator Mary Moran has welcomed the
focused commitment and market-led training and upskilling on offer in
the Action Plan for Jobs 2014 published today.
'Over the last 19 months we have seen a welcome reduction in Live Register figures with latest CSO data published today showing 61,000 more people in jobs at the end of 2013. Today's publication of the new Action Plan for Jobs 2014 shows a further concerted focus and effort on getting people back to work in conjunction with the jobs market demand and with the goal of further reducing the unemployment rate.
'My colleague, Minister RuairĂ Quinn is committed to meeting the demands of the ever-changing employment market as it is absolutely crucial for our recovery that we continue to produce skilled people ready to step into new jobs.
'This Action Plan for Jobs 2014 is very responsive to what is happening on the ground at the moment and will see the continuation of successful programmes such as Momentum, Springboard and ICT Skills Conversion courses for jobseekers. This Action Plan for Jobs will also see a modernisation of the apprenticeship system; develop and publish a languages education strategy including foreign language education; updating of the second level curriculum to better meet the skills needed for school leavers; and the roll out of a further 6,000 places for Momentum with 2,000 specific places for the under-25s.
'We are currently gaining 5,000 jobs per month and I look forward to building on this through the continued and new reforms in education and training. The appropriate education and training on offer is key to unlocking new avenues for jobseekers.'
'Over the last 19 months we have seen a welcome reduction in Live Register figures with latest CSO data published today showing 61,000 more people in jobs at the end of 2013. Today's publication of the new Action Plan for Jobs 2014 shows a further concerted focus and effort on getting people back to work in conjunction with the jobs market demand and with the goal of further reducing the unemployment rate.
'My colleague, Minister RuairĂ Quinn is committed to meeting the demands of the ever-changing employment market as it is absolutely crucial for our recovery that we continue to produce skilled people ready to step into new jobs.
'This Action Plan for Jobs 2014 is very responsive to what is happening on the ground at the moment and will see the continuation of successful programmes such as Momentum, Springboard and ICT Skills Conversion courses for jobseekers. This Action Plan for Jobs will also see a modernisation of the apprenticeship system; develop and publish a languages education strategy including foreign language education; updating of the second level curriculum to better meet the skills needed for school leavers; and the roll out of a further 6,000 places for Momentum with 2,000 specific places for the under-25s.
'We are currently gaining 5,000 jobs per month and I look forward to building on this through the continued and new reforms in education and training. The appropriate education and training on offer is key to unlocking new avenues for jobseekers.'
Sports Capital Grant application deadline extended till 5pm March 10th
The deadline for applications from sports clubs and organisations has been extended to 5pm on March 10th.
If your club has registered but not put in their application yet they can still do so.
Please visit the website below for further information or advice.
If you require any further assistance please contact my office on 01-6183522/042-9329052
Wednesday, 26 February 2014
Monday, 24 February 2014
2in2u dating abuse awareness campaign: If it feels wrong, it probably is
The Women's Aid 2in2u National Public Awareness Campaign reaches out to young women in dating relationships. Young women don't need to be in a 'domestic' relationship to experience control and abuse. Abuse can happen to any woman, at any age and in any type of relationship, including dating relationships.
The Women's Aid 2in2u campaign highlights the way that a controlling boyfriend's attention can often be overwhelming at the early stages of a relationship, how what felt like positive attention and attentiveness at the beginning of a relationship can slowly turn into more negative, controlling attention as the relationship continues and it becomes more difficult for the woman to break up or to seek help.
Women's Aid experience and national and international research show that young women are at risk from violence and abuse from their boyfriends. In dating relationships violence and abuse are already a feature but are often not recognised as such by the young woman herself, or her friends.
That is why they have put together a Relationship Health Check Quiz at
Women's Aid say:
"We hope that young women, if informed, might get help before the relationship becomes more established, and it has become harder to leave or get support and that if a young woman is uncomfortable or worried about any aspect of her relationship with her boyfriend, and hears or sees one of our advertisements, she will contact the Women's Aid National Freephone Helpline (1800 341 900) or talk to someone she trusts.
The 2in2u campaign is an integrated radio, print, online, postcard and poster advertising campaign targeting young women aged 18-25 years old. You can listen to our new radio ad here. Download the 2in2u posters here and here. Women's Aid has also developed an awareness raising postcard which you can download here. This postcard is being distributed to 3rd level universities as well as to local community groups and other organisations that young women may access.
If you would like to receive copies of the awareness posters and postcards to display locally, please contact Women's Aid on 01-678 8858 or email us at and we will send it to you free of charge, while stocks last.
Are you affected by dating abuse? If so, you might like to read our dating abuse section."
ISPCC launches annual Anti-Bullying Shield Campaign
The Irish Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (ISPCC) has launched its annual Anti-Bullying Shield Campaign to continue to raise awareness of the issue of bullying and to highlight the positive work that has been undertaken with schools around the country.
At 4am this morning a building wrap featuring Brian O'Driscoll was
unveiled on the iconic Liberty Hall with rugby international holding the
ISPCC Blue Shield to represent the fact that he is standing up against
O’Driscoll was also on hand with children from Talbot Senior School and the ISPCC’s Children’s Advisory Committee to unveil the new anti-bullying flag this morning.
O’Driscoll was also on hand with children from Talbot Senior School and the ISPCC’s Children’s Advisory Committee to unveil the new anti-bullying flag this morning.
Kafka Fragments in Dundalk Gaol
I was delighted to receive an invitation to Kafka Fragments presented in the Dundalk Gaol last Friday night by Louth Contemporary Music Society. This was the Irish premier of the work by Gyorgy Kurtag and was performed by soprano Claire Booth and violinist Peter Manning.
The composer drew inspiration from the diaries, letters and notebooks of Franz Kafka to create this powerful work.
In the unique setting of the old Gaol in Dundalk it was an inspiring performance. Congratulations to the performers and to Eamonn Quinn and Louth Contemporary Music Society on a wonderful night's entertainment.
Friday, 21 February 2014
Camara does fantastic work in disadvantaged communities
I was delighted to meet John Fitzsimons and Steven Daly from Camara this week.
Camara uses technology to improve education and livelihood skills in disadvantaged communities around the world.
Camara is an International organisation dedicated to using technology to improve education and livelihood skills in disadvantaged communities around the world. With better education we expect these communities to break the cycle of poverty they find themselves in.
Founded nine years ago in Dublin, Ireland the organisation has built a proven model of ‘education delivery’ that is both sustainable and highly scalable. 700,000 children in poor communities have been made digitally literate by Camara over this period.
To do this, Camara has:
It currently operates seven Education Hubs in Africa (Ethiopia, Kenya, Rwanda, Zambia, Uganda, Lesotho, Tanzania), one in Jamaica and one in Ireland. All Hubs operate as social enterprises and are financially sustainable after one year.
Camara has won a number of awards: The Vodafone World of Difference Award; The Arthur Guinness Award; The David Manley Award; The Social Entrepreneurs Ireland Award; The Lord Mayor’s Award (Dublin); and The Global Development Network ‘Most Innovative Development Project’ Award. Find about more about Camara’s awards.
You can visit their web page at
Camara uses technology to improve education and livelihood skills in disadvantaged communities around the world.
Camara is an International organisation dedicated to using technology to improve education and livelihood skills in disadvantaged communities around the world. With better education we expect these communities to break the cycle of poverty they find themselves in.
Founded nine years ago in Dublin, Ireland the organisation has built a proven model of ‘education delivery’ that is both sustainable and highly scalable. 700,000 children in poor communities have been made digitally literate by Camara over this period.
To do this, Camara has:
- provided eLearning Centres to over 2,500 schools in Africa, Ireland and the Caribbean
- installed nearly 48,000 computers
- trained over 12,000 teachers on how to use the technology for learning purposes
It currently operates seven Education Hubs in Africa (Ethiopia, Kenya, Rwanda, Zambia, Uganda, Lesotho, Tanzania), one in Jamaica and one in Ireland. All Hubs operate as social enterprises and are financially sustainable after one year.
Camara has won a number of awards: The Vodafone World of Difference Award; The Arthur Guinness Award; The David Manley Award; The Social Entrepreneurs Ireland Award; The Lord Mayor’s Award (Dublin); and The Global Development Network ‘Most Innovative Development Project’ Award. Find about more about Camara’s awards.
You can visit their web page at
Accessibility Issues for discussion at meeting in Dundalk on Mon March 3rd
Senator Mary Moran will host a meeting in the The Crowne Plaza Hotel Dundalk to discuss Accessibility issues and concerns in the Dundalk area.
Over the past number of months I have received many representations from constituents who have reported accessibility concerns regarding streets and areas in Dundalk town
As a result I have arranged for a meeting to be held in The Crowne Plaza on Monday 3 March at 7.30pm where people will have the opportunity to raise any concerns and issues with access they are encountering on a daily basis and discuss suggestions on how access may be improved for people with a disability,sensory/ mobility issue or indeed people with buggies.
I am delighted that Mr John Morgan, himself a wheelchair user, will present his recently completed report on Accessibility in Dundalk.
Following the meeting I intend to bring the findings to Dundalk Town Council and urge them to take on board the concerns that people with accessibility have.
While I welcome the fact that improved safety pedestrian lights are being erected at the square at the moment - It is a pity that this work was not carried out in the initial phase of the work. In my opinion it is adding to the cost of work which could have been saved if extensive consultation was engaged with the people who are experiencing access issues on a daily basis. This money could have been put towards repairing some of the footpaths which are in a dangerous condition and addressing other major concerns that people with access problems encounter.
Further details can be received by contacting or (042)9329052.
Over the past number of months I have received many representations from constituents who have reported accessibility concerns regarding streets and areas in Dundalk town
As a result I have arranged for a meeting to be held in The Crowne Plaza on Monday 3 March at 7.30pm where people will have the opportunity to raise any concerns and issues with access they are encountering on a daily basis and discuss suggestions on how access may be improved for people with a disability,sensory/ mobility issue or indeed people with buggies.
I am delighted that Mr John Morgan, himself a wheelchair user, will present his recently completed report on Accessibility in Dundalk.
Following the meeting I intend to bring the findings to Dundalk Town Council and urge them to take on board the concerns that people with accessibility have.
While I welcome the fact that improved safety pedestrian lights are being erected at the square at the moment - It is a pity that this work was not carried out in the initial phase of the work. In my opinion it is adding to the cost of work which could have been saved if extensive consultation was engaged with the people who are experiencing access issues on a daily basis. This money could have been put towards repairing some of the footpaths which are in a dangerous condition and addressing other major concerns that people with access problems encounter.
Further details can be received by contacting or (042)9329052.
Join Irish Girl Guides in striving for universal primary education!
Irish Girl Guides’ 12,000 members are joining Girl Guides and Girl Scouts around the world tomorrow in promoting the second Millennium Development Goal – to achieve universal primary education. Girls from age 5 are taking part in activities on the theme “Education Opens Doors for all Girls and Boys”.
February 22nd is World Thinking Day,
the joint birthday of Lord Baden-Powell, founder of the Girl Guide
movement, and of his wife Olave, Lady Baden-Powell, the World Chief
Guide. In 1932 this day became known as Thinking Day, a day on which
every Guide is encouraged to think of the 10 million
members of the movement in 145 countries around the world. Members are
also encouraged to take action to improve the lives of people overseas
as well as in their own communities.
Successful cross border health project leads to treatment of hundreds of patients in border area
An EU funded cross border project has seen hundreds of patients treated for sexually transmitted infections in sexual health (GUM) clinics, which commenced on a phased basis over a 4 year period across the border region.
These specialist sexual health clinics were established with European Union funding, secured by Co-operation and Working Together (CAWT), the cross border health services partnership, which successfully drew down a total of £1.6 million (■1.95 million euro equivalent) from the EU INTERREG IVA programme to invest in new and additional sexual health/GUM clinics across the border region. Across all the clinics to date, a total of 7,053 patients have been treated, exceeding the 5,000 target set for the project by the EU funders at the outset.
In the counties of Monaghan/Cavan and Louth, the three new HSE-run sexual health clinics established in this region with EU funding, have treated a total of 2,057 new patients so far. An independent assessment carried out by consultants, FGS McClure Watters, has found that the new sexual health clinics are providing excellent services, based upon the feedback from those who have accessed them. For example, in a patient survey across all the new clinics set-up, 98% of respondents rated the clinic as either ‘very good’ or ‘good.’ Also in the survey, 93.6%of patients stated that their appointment was convenient for them and 85.9% of respondents stated that the opening hours of the clinic were either ‘good’ or ‘very good.’
These locally run GUM clinics, which are free of charge to the patient, mean that people living in the these areas now have better access to high quality sexual health services. The clinics are managed and run by a specialist team providing a comprehensive service for people concerned about sexually transmitted infections and their sexual health in general. All aspects of the service, from treatment to any medication prescribed, are provided directly by the sexual health / GUM clinic, thus ensuring total confidentiality for the patient.
Commenting Dr Justin Low, HSE Infectious Diseases Consultant, said: “It is encouraging to hear that local people are aware of these new services and that people who have availed of them are impressed. With these new services, you don’t need to travel great distances to access quality GUM services if you live in the Monaghan / Cavan or Louth areas. I would encourage people with or without symptoms, or indeed anyone who wants a routine sexual health check-up to make contact with us. Confidentiality is an important aspect in the delivery of sexual health services. Our staff are professionally trained in dealing with sexual health problems and providing advice, education and information, so please contact us directly or ask your GP to make an appointment should you have any concerns.”
The Sexual Health / GUM clinic in Monaghan Hospital operates every Tuesday morning from 9am to 12.30pm. Louth County Hospital Sexual Health / GUM clinics are available Tuesday and Friday afternoons, from 2pm to 5pm. The Sexual Health / GUM clinic in Our Lady of Lourdes in Drogheda operates on the first and the third Friday of each month from 9am to 12:30pm.
Appointments for the clinics can be made directly Monday to Friday between 9am and 5pm by calling 086 8241847. Alternatively members of the public can secure an appointment by referral from a GP or other healthcare professional.
The EU funding for the new sexual health/GUM clinics in Louth and Monaghan is scheduled to finish in May 2014. The HSE Dublin North East area is planning to mainstream these clinics within existing services after the EU funding phase.
Thursday, 20 February 2014
No Name Clubs provide alternative to "drink culture" for young people
CEO of No Name Club Ireland John Donovan has written to every Oireachtas member, calling on every TD and Senator to promote the work of No Name Clubs around Ireland as part of the solution to Ireland's drink culture.
As a life-long teetotaler I would like to commend and support the work of this organisation, particularly in the light of the recent so called "Neknomination" tragedies.
No Name Club is a National Voluntary Youth Organisation founded in 1978 with clubs throughout the country.
No Name Clubs are run by and for young people aged 15 years + who come together in a safe and lively environments where theres fun, friendship and enjoyment without the pressure of alcohol or other drugs.The organisation was founded to provide an alternative to pub culture for young people in Ireland. The clubs demonstrate a lifestyle in which the use of alcohol or drugs is seen as unnecessary to the enjoyment of a happy, cheerful and fulfilling social life for young people.
Over the last 35 years, thousands of young people have valued their involvement in a programme of activities that allows them to enjoy themselves socially with their peers in safe and friendly environments that are free from the dangers and influences of alcohol and drugs.
At present, there are over 15,000 young people in No Name Clubs throughout the country.
No Name Club is currently funded through: The Office of The Minister for Children & Youth Affairs and Population Health Health Promotion, HSE
Quality Youth Work
The work done with young people in No Name Clubs compliments the efforts of parents in the home, teachers in the schools and all other groups and organisations who help or encourage young people in the use of their free time by encouraging them to make good life choices. A Leadership and Self Development Programme for young people is central to that work.
No Name Club believes young people have a right to enjoy a dignified lifestyle, free from pressures created by undue influences of alcohol and to be supported in their non-drinking behaviour.
No Name Club events are alcohol / drug free. The organisation is non-censorious of drink and respects an adults right to drink alcohol but by the same token, it has equal respect and support for everyones right to abstinence.
Through their involvement in No Name Club activities, young people are encouraged to develop to their full potential by taking on the responsibility of planning and organising a wide ranging programme of social events in co-operation with the adult club leaders. They also learn that it is unnecessary to indulge in alcohol and drugs in order to live an enjoyable and happy social life.
National Events
You can see from the Club pages the fun, creative and entertaining work that’s had at local level. This work is supported by a number of National Events.
The National Youth Awards
These Awards are presented to the Hostess and Host who, in the opinion of the adjudicating panel, have made outstanding contributions to the no name! club and her / his club, community, school and family. Participants often demonstrate significant personal achievement in the areas of sport, culture, arts, education and other activities in which they have been involved.
National Youth & Volunteer Conferences
These conferences are held twice a year as an opportunity for training, information and discussion for volunteers and young people.
Super Talent CompetitionTel:
The Hostesses and Hosts of each club present a series of entertainment items through music, dance, drama, song etc and compete with other clubs initially on a regional basis to reach the National Final.
Please visit for further information or telephone 059 6400299
Sports Capital Grant deadline is approaching. Applications close 5pm Friday Feb 28th.
The Sports Capital Programme (SCP) is operated by
the Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport and provides grants to
assist in the development of sports facilities and the provision of
sports equipment.
If you have registered with OSCAR (Online Sports Capital Register) you must send in your application online by 5pm on Friday 28th Feb 2014
Registrations for the 2014 Programme are now
closed and will reopen after the deadline for 2014 SCP applications
which is 5pm on Friday 28th February 2014.
Please visit the website below for further information or advice.
If you require any further assistance please contact my office on 01-6183522/042-9329052
If you have registered with OSCAR (Online Sports Capital Register) you must send in your application online by 5pm on Friday 28th Feb 2014
Please visit the website below for further information or advice.
If you require any further assistance please contact my office on 01-6183522/042-9329052
Wednesday, 19 February 2014
Friday, 14 February 2014
HPSC urges at risk groups to get flu jab as cases of illness increase
HPSC urges at risk groups to get vaccinated as flu actively circulating in the community
The HSE Health Protection Surveillance Centre today (Friday) urged people in high-risk groups to get vaccinated against influenza, as the number of reported cases of influenza-like illness (ILI) in Ireland has increased in the last week.
ILI rates have risen from 20.5 per 100,000 population to 32.4 per 100,000 population during the second week of February and are now above threshold levels which means that flu is actively circulating in the community, according to HPSC specialist in public health medicine, Dr Joan O’Donnell.
“It is still not too late for people who are at risk of the complications of flu to get vaccinated against the disease if they have not already done so. The vaccine is available free of charge from GPs for all people in at risk groups, and from pharmacists for everyone aged 65 and over. An administration charge may apply to people who don’t hold medical cards or GP visit cards.
High-risk groups are:
- All those aged 65 years and older
- People including children with chronic illness requiring regular medical follow-up such as chronic lung disease, chronic heart disease, chronic neurological disorders, neuro-developmental disorders and diabetes
- Those with lower immunity due to disease
or treatment
· All pregnant women. The vaccine can be given at any stage of pregnancy.
· Those with morbid obesity i.e. Body Mass Index ≥ 40 - Residents of nursing homes, old people's homes and other long stay facilities
- Health care workers and carers of those in risk groups.
“Anyone who gets flu should stay at home, rest, drink plenty of fluids and use over-the-counter remedies like paracetamol to ease symptoms. Anyone in one of the high-risk categories should contact their GP if they develop influenza symptoms.
"Covering your nose and mouth with a tissue when you cough and sneeze, disposing of the tissue as soon as possible and cleaning your hands as soon as you can are important measures in helping prevent the spread of germs and reducing the risk of transmission," added Dr O’Donnell.
Thursday, 13 February 2014
Wednesday, 12 February 2014
€20million allocated to assist distressed local authority mortgage holders.
“I think this is very welcome news for local authority
mortgage holders who find themselves in arrears. The fact that approximately
31% of mortgage holders in the local authority sector are in arrears shows that
a solution was urgently required. These households will be given access to the
“mortgage-to-rent” scheme which is available to other mortgage holders in
The scheme enables low to middle income families in an unsustainable
mortgage situation to remain in their home. This €20m fund will allow local
authorities to assist households by transferring ownership of the home to the
local authority and the family will pay a differential rent. The Arrears Support Unit of each local
authority encourages households to engage early with them to seek advice and
support as soon as possible. Local authority mortgages are, in the main, taken
up by tenants to purchase their existing local authority home or to enter into
a shared ownership arrangement with the local authority. To be considered for
the mortgage to rent scheme, mortgage holders must satisfy a number of criteria
The mortgage must be deemed unsustainable with
any change unlikely in the future.
The mortgage holder must be engaging with the
Arrears Support Unit in the local authority.
Property must be the sole property of the
mortgage holder and the primary residence of the mortgage holder.
Property must have a current market value of
less than €220,000 in the greater Dublin area and not more than €180,000 in the
rest of the country.
The property must be in negative equity.
Households must be eligible for social housing
support from the local authority and net household income must not exceed a
maximum of €25,000, €30,000 or €35,000 a year depending on where a family is
Dundalk Outcomers and Transgender Equality Network Ireland host conference on Friday 28 Feb.
Dundalk Outcomers in association with TENI are hosting a conference to discuss Transgender Health in the Fairways Hotel Dundalk on Friday 28 February 2014. 10.30am-2pm.
The purpose of the conference is to provide a forum for health care professionals and students to become informed on this issue, to hear the experience of transgender people and the people who care for them.
The panel will consist of Dr Lisa Brinkmann, Clinical Psycholigist and Gender Identity Specialist.
Vanessa Lacy, Health and Education Officer at TENI.
Simon Stewart, Sail Parents Support, Newry.
Registration will take place at 10 am and a light lunch will be provided.
If you wish to attend the conference please email with your name, email, phone number and name of your organisation.
Thursday, 6 February 2014
Delighted to welcome The Friary girls to Leinster House today
I was delighted to welcome 6th class pupils from St. Malachy's Girls' School, Dundalk along with their principal BrĂd Galligan and class teachers Karen Tuite and Pamela Cheevers.
I was especially thrilled to get to meet St Malachy's G.N.S debating team, who are now county champions.
Thanks for visiting, girls!
I was especially thrilled to get to meet St Malachy's G.N.S debating team, who are now county champions.
Thanks for visiting, girls!
Delighted to welcome some Dundalk schools to Leinster House
In recent weeks I have had the pleasure of meeting some eager young students from Dundalk in Leinster House. Here they did a guided tour of the house and got to visit both the DĂ¡il and the Seanad.
Last week, 4th year students from St Brigid's Special School, Dundalk came to visit and even got to meet Ministers Joan Burton and SeĂ¡n Sherlock on the day.
On Wednesday I got to meet pupils from Kilsaran National School - I hope they had a great day!
On Wednesday 6th class from De La Salle primary school came to see how their parliament works.
Last week, 4th year students from St Brigid's Special School, Dundalk came to visit and even got to meet Ministers Joan Burton and SeĂ¡n Sherlock on the day.
On Wednesday I got to meet pupils from Kilsaran National School - I hope they had a great day!
On Wednesday 6th class from De La Salle primary school came to see how their parliament works.
Calling All Budding Scientists - Put your knowledge to the test at SciFest 2014.
Hot off the heals of the BT Young Scientist Exhibition, second-level students from all over Ireland will get a chance to put their science skills to the test once more and enter SciFest 2014.
Now in its seventh year as a national project, SciFest is an all-inclusive, all-island science competition where second-level students showcase science, technology, engineering and maths projects at a series of one day science fairs held regionally in the 14 Institutes of Technology and the University of Ulster, Derry. The winners from each regional science fair go on to compete at a national final in November. The national final winner(s) of SciFest 2014 will be presented with a trophy and will represent Ireland at the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF) 2015 in Pittsburgh.
Exhibitions will take place all over Ireland from the end of March with DKIT hosting their exhibition on May 7th 2014.
If you have a great science idea, why not visit and download an application form.Completed application forms must be submitted by Friday March 7th to the venue nearest you as listed below.
Reminder: Closing date to register for Sports Capital Grant tomorrow
A reminder for all sports clubs that the closing date to register for the Sports Capital Grant from the Dept of Transport, Tourism and Sport and is tomorrow 7th February.
There is a step-by-step guide for the new online registration process called OSCAR can be accessed online on the Sports Capital Programme website:
All information on registration and preparing and application form can also be found online.
Please support the launch of eDundalk website 14th February at th Crowne Plaza Hotel, Dundalk at 7 pm
I will be delighted to attend the launch of eDundalk website on February 14th at the Crowne Plaza Hotel at 7pm and lend my support to this innovative social networking and advertising site that aims to promote the local economy and give a voice to ethnic minority groups in Dundalk.
Tickets cost €25 and guests will be treated to a banquet, auction, raffle and professional fashion show in conjunction with the Fashion Collective Dublin.
Promising to be a night of entertainment and community, it's an event not to be missed.
For more information see poster below.
Wednesday, 5 February 2014
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