Senator Mary Moran

Senator Mary Moran

Tuesday, 18 June 2013

Coca-Cola Thank You Fund is making €125,000 available to non-profit organisations

The Coca-Cola Thank You Fund are accepting applications from charities and community groups across  the island of Ireland and will be donating €125,000 to support some top community projects in your area.
Projects seeking support to develop  new and innovative ways to keep our communities living balanced, healthy and active lives are invited to consider preparing an application. This Year The Fund will target interesting adn innovative new projects that promote a new approach to nutrition and physical activity, and which could be replicated and applied in other communities across the country.

The overall winner will receive €25,000 and a further ten organisations will will receive €10,000 each. Last year, the overall winner of the Coca-Cola Thank You Fund was the Irish Olympic Handball Association, which submitted plans to introduce 10,000 more people to the sport through the training of 200 teachers and youth group leaders.

For a chance to win up to €25,000 for your community, download an application form from Entries are open until 19 July 2013.

 The Coca-Cola Thank You Fund is supported by the Federation of Irish Sport, The Wheel and the Northern Ireland Council for Voluntary Action (NICVA).

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