Senator Mary Moran

Wednesday, 17 December 2014
A World of Cribs in St Joseph's Redemptorist Monastery Dundalk from Sun Dec 21st
St Joseph’s Redemptorist Monastery in Dundalk will be hosting ‘A World of Cribs’ over the festive period.
The church will host a unique display of over 450 nativities from around the world from this Sunday December 21st right through until the following week December 28th, with the exception of Christmas Day.
The display is open daily from 2pm to 5pm and admission is free.
Donations are in aid of Dundalk Simon Community while groups can be accommodated via appointment.
Saturday, 13 December 2014
Official opening of the Family Bereavement Room and launch of Tree of Remembrance in Lourdes Hospital
Thursday Dec 11th was a special day in Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital as broadcaster George Hook officially opened the hospital’s new Family Bereavement Room, and staff unveiled the annual Tree of Remembrance.
The Family Bereavement Room is a space created for relatives to grieve the passing of a loved one. It is also a dedicated space for them to spend a short period with their deceased relative before they are transferred to the care of the funeral director.
Speaking about the facility, Operational Services Manager, Yvonne Gregory complimented the staff who had fundraised to assist with the refurbishment of the space and provide the furnishings and artwork for the rooms. She said, “The provision of this facility is testament to the efforts of the hospital staff who fundraised in the last year to generate the funds to carry out this work. It is much needed within the hospital, and will offer a dedicated space of solace for families who are bereaved. I am proud of the staff for recognising and supporting this need.”
The Hospital End of Life Coordinator, Mary McGrane welcomed the opening of the facility. She said, “We aim to fulfil the requirements of a Hospice Friendly Hospital (HFH), where we have dedicated space for families to spend time near their relative who is approaching end of life. This facility meets that aim and also offers families the option of spending time immediately after death with their relative in a relaxed and quiet environment. We hope to continue to deliver similar facilities in other parts of hospital in the future.”
Fiona Edwards, A/Group General Manager, Louth Meath Hospital, added, “This is continuing our aim of realising the HFH ethos at the hospital. I am delighted also that we are able to welcome Mr. George Hook to the hospital today to undertake the official opening of the facility”.
Staff also unveiled the hospital’s Tree of Remembrance. This is a symbol of love for all who have died recently or some time ago and provides an annual opportunity for staff and visitors to remember colleagues, family and friends by placing a card of prayer or thought on the tree.
The Hospice Friendly Hospital Programme
The Hospice Friendly Hospitals Programme was launched in 2007, with the aim of developing and promoting a culture of care for those facing death in hospitals that would draw on the principles of hospice care. More information on the Hospice Friendly Hospital Initiative is available on
Mr. George Hook has undertaken work in the past with the Hospice Friendly Hospitals Initiative. He has featured in and commented on material used by the HFI as part of their media campaigns. It is for this reason that he was invited to open the facility at Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital. Hospital Management are delighted that he has taken time from his busy schedule to do so.
Thursday, 11 December 2014
Wednesday, 10 December 2014
Today in the Seanad I call for an independent inquiry into Áras Attracta
Today I called for an amendment on today's Seanad Order of Business for the Minister for Health to come into the House for a debate on Primetime programme that aired last night on Áras Attracta. 'Last night's Primetime programme displayed the disgusting lack of compassion and care for vulnerable residents by care workers in Áras Attracta. I thought very long and hard last night before tabling an amendment to the Order of Business seeking Minister Varadkar to come into the Seanad to debate the neglect and abuse that was shown on the programme. I am deeply disappointed that the motion was not seconded and was not accepted for discussion.
'The Minister of State with responsibility for Disability, Kathleen Lynch TD will be in the House this evening to discuss the matter as a result of my amendment which is tabled for a half hour debate.
'I have been contacted by many people today who are deeply upset by what they saw last night. People with an intellectual disability are the most vulnerable in our society. I was sickened and ashamed by the physical and psychological abuse directed at the residents in Aras Attracta.
'I believe we need an immediate full independent inquiry. I find it deeply concerning that Aras Attracta was found to be compliant in May.
'There are many people who were affected last night as a result of what they witnessed on the Prime Time programme--kicking, force-feeding, slapping and harsh language.
'As a member of the Seanad and as Spokesperson for Disability, I feel it is my duty to bring this matter to the fore and to call for the Minister of Health to urgently attend the House.'
Delighted to visit Dundalk Grammar School economics class last week
I spent a very interesting morning in Dundalk Grammar at the invitation of Mr Paul Brady and his senior economics class, following on from their recent visit to Leinster House.
With the economics class and teacher Paul Brady
With the economics class and teacher Paul Brady
Monday, 8 December 2014
Draft Flood Maps for Ardee available for viewing next week. OPW offices, Fair Green, Ardee Tues 16 Dec 3-7pm
RPS, who are conducting the North Western – Neagh Bann CFRAM Study on behalf of the OPW and with the support of Louth County Council, have produced Draft Flood Maps for Ardee in County Louth.
To provide an opportunity for all interested persons to view and comment on these maps, a Public Consultation Day will be held at OPW offices, Fair Green, Ardee from 3.00pm to 7.00pm on Tuesday 16th December 2014.
Members of the North Western – Neagh Bann CFRAM Study project team will be available to discuss and explain the maps to all attending on the day and to collate any local flooding information.
The Draft Flood Maps will be on display on the date stated and will also be accessible on the Study website from that date. Interested persons may provide observations on the Draft Flood Maps at the public consultation event and/or through the study website.
Draft Flood Maps for the other CFRAM Areas for Further Assessment in the North Western – Neagh Bann district are currently being drafted and will be available for public consultation during the coming months. Details of public consultation days will be advertised in the local press and on the study website
Clogherhead beach Polar Plunge a great success
With Fr Michael Cusack before the Plunge
Soldiers from Dundalk Barracks taking the Plunge
I was delighted to participate in the Clogherhead Beach Polar Plunge over the weekend to raise funds and awareness for Special Olympics Ireland. The Polar Plunge at Clogherhead was one of many polar plunges taking place across the country this December. 'This is my fourth year taking the plunge for Special Olympics and I am delighted that this year we were able to bring this great event to Co. Louth. I was delighted to support and assist in the preparations for the Clogherhead Beach Polar Plunge.
'We had an excellent turn out on Saturday with many local people and groups participating including soldiers from the Dundalk Barracks and Fr Michael Cusack from the Redemptorist who had to rush back to Dundalk in order to celebrate a wedding mass.
'Special Olympics Ireland is an organisation that is close to my heart and provides an invaluable resource for many families and individuals with an intellectual disability. It has been my honour to raise the great work of Special Olympics in the Seanad over the last three years and to participate in events such as the Polar Plunge.
'I would like to thank everyone who donated and participated in the Clogherhead Beach Polar Plunge. The generous support many have shown over the last number of weeks is greatly appreciated.'
Soldiers from Dundalk Barracks taking the Plunge
I was delighted to participate in the Clogherhead Beach Polar Plunge over the weekend to raise funds and awareness for Special Olympics Ireland. The Polar Plunge at Clogherhead was one of many polar plunges taking place across the country this December. 'This is my fourth year taking the plunge for Special Olympics and I am delighted that this year we were able to bring this great event to Co. Louth. I was delighted to support and assist in the preparations for the Clogherhead Beach Polar Plunge.
'We had an excellent turn out on Saturday with many local people and groups participating including soldiers from the Dundalk Barracks and Fr Michael Cusack from the Redemptorist who had to rush back to Dundalk in order to celebrate a wedding mass.
'Special Olympics Ireland is an organisation that is close to my heart and provides an invaluable resource for many families and individuals with an intellectual disability. It has been my honour to raise the great work of Special Olympics in the Seanad over the last three years and to participate in events such as the Polar Plunge.
'I would like to thank everyone who donated and participated in the Clogherhead Beach Polar Plunge. The generous support many have shown over the last number of weeks is greatly appreciated.'
Thursday, 4 December 2014
Lottery grants will make a real difference to Co Louth projects
Senator Mary Moran has welcomed the recent funding allocation for Louth from the National Lottery Grants allocated by the Minister for Health, Leo Varadkar TD. Community groups and organisations in Dundalk, Carlingford and Drogheda are set to benefit from over €46,000 for their projects. The Marie Gorreti Foundation which runs the respite facility for children with disabilities and life- threatening conditions in Lordship will receive €30,000 to assist in the completion of this facility. Although it has only been open a short time, many families have already benefited from the wonderful care which is provided here.
Also on the Cooley peninsula, The Cooley Complex which provides services for the older person will receive €2000 to assist in the purchase of equipment for the Active Retirement Group.
A vital service is provided to older people in Dundalk by the Cuidigh Linn organisation. Áit na nDaoine will receive €2,000 towards the cost of buying equipment used in the maintenance of older people’s homes.
Louth Community Men’s Shed has been allocated €5,000 which will be used to fund a “Men’s Shed Tool Kit”.
SNAP – Special Needs Active Parents in Dundalk will receive €2,500 to fund music therapy for children with disabilities.
In Drogheda the Multiple Sclerosis Association of Ireland will receive €1,400 to fund yoga classes for people with MS. The Drogheda Arthritis Ireland Group will also receive €3,528 to deliver ten weekly aqua aerobics classes for people with arthritis.
The National Lottery provides a vital source of funding to groups and organisations involved in community projects, making a real difference to the lives of people all over the country. All these groups in Co Louth are very well-deserving of this funding and I commend them for their continued good work.
Special Olympics Polar Plunge in Clogherhead on Sat 6th at 11am.
Delighted to meet up with some friends in the Army Barracks in Dundalk today.....all getting ready for "Freezin' for a Reason"
Why not join us in Clogherhead on Saturday at 11am.
Why not join us in Clogherhead on Saturday at 11am.
Wednesday, 3 December 2014
Road improvements welcomed on N53 between Barronstown and Hackballscross
The proposed improvements on the section of road on the N53 between Barronstown and Hackballscross is to be welcomed. The works will improve the route's consistency and integration with the previously completed works which extend from Newtownbalregan to Barronstown.
As well as enhancing the road safety and capacity, the improvement of the N53 has included overtaking sections and will lead to improved journey times and improved access from the north west to Dundalk and the M1 Motorway.
As well as enhancing the road safety and capacity, the improvement of the N53 has included overtaking sections and will lead to improved journey times and improved access from the north west to Dundalk and the M1 Motorway.
Today marks the International Day of Persons with Disabilities..
United Nations' (UN) International Day of Persons with Disabilities is annually held on December 3 to focus on issues that affect people with disabilities worldwide.

Inclusion Ireland and Down Syndrome Ireland will mark the International Day of Persons with Disabilities by hosting the Blue Teapot production of 'Sanctuary' at Dublin's Liberty Hall Theatre this evening at 8pm (no performance on Dec4th as previously advertised)
‘Sanctuary’, which was written by Christian O’Reilly, explores intimate relationships between people with intellectual disabilities.
The play highlights a little-known law which impacts on the lives of unmarried persons with an intellectual disability and seeks to prevent them from having healthy, intimate relationships.
Actors Charlene Kelly and Kieran Coppinger, both of whom have an intellectual disability, will play the lead roles.
In my role as spokesperson for Disability in the Seanad I regularly meet with local people and groups who have disabilities themselves or who work closely with people who have a disability. I will continue to advocate on their behalf in the Seanad and I am delighted to support Inclusion Ireland and Down Syndrome Ireland in this excellent and thought-provoking production by the Blue Teapot company.
Friday 5 December is the closing date for application to the Government's Surgical Symphysiotomy Payment Scheme
The Surgical Symphysiotomy Payment Scheme opened for applications on 10 November 2014. The closing date for receipt of applications is this Friday, Dec 5th 2014 at 5pm.The Government has approved Judge Maureen Harding Clark as Assessor for the Scheme. Judge Clark will implement the Scheme, on a confidential basis, on the Minister's behalf.
Applications should be posted to the “The Symphysiotomy Payment Scheme P.O. Box 12487, Dublin 1”. Registered post is advised. Applications must be original and in writing. Email applications will not be accepted.
In exceptional circumstances, the Assessor has discretion to extend the time for receipt of applications by an additional 20 working days, i.e. to Wednesday, 14 January 2015.
If you require any assistance on this matter please do not hesitate to contact me at 042-9329052/01-6183522 or
Monday, 1 December 2014
Friday, 28 November 2014
Come and join us for the Polar Plunge for Special Olympics at Clogherhead Beach on Sat 6 Dec 11am
Labour Senator Mary Moran is encouraging
people in Co. Louth to come for a swim at Clogherhead Beach on Saturday,
6th December to raise awareness and funds for Special Olympics Ireland.
'I have had the great pleasure of working with Special Olympics over the last few years and seeing first-hand the excellent and life-changing work they undertake every single day. I have been involved in the national Polar Plunge at the 40ft in Dublin for the last four years. This year Special Olympics Ireland will be hosting Polar Plunge events throughout the country in an effort to raise funds and awareness for the organisation. The Polar Plunge involves a brief plunge into the sea with hot drinks to warm participants up afterwards. Fancy dress is encouraged and a best fancy dress prize will be awarded on the day.
'I am delighted to support and assist in the preparations for the Polar Plunge at Clogherhead Beach on Saturday, 6th December at 11am. I would encourage anyone interested in participating to contact me for further information and I would be happy to assist. Tel 042-9329052 or email
'I have had the great pleasure of working with Special Olympics over the last few years and seeing first-hand the excellent and life-changing work they undertake every single day. I have been involved in the national Polar Plunge at the 40ft in Dublin for the last four years. This year Special Olympics Ireland will be hosting Polar Plunge events throughout the country in an effort to raise funds and awareness for the organisation. The Polar Plunge involves a brief plunge into the sea with hot drinks to warm participants up afterwards. Fancy dress is encouraged and a best fancy dress prize will be awarded on the day.
'I am delighted to support and assist in the preparations for the Polar Plunge at Clogherhead Beach on Saturday, 6th December at 11am. I would encourage anyone interested in participating to contact me for further information and I would be happy to assist. Tel 042-9329052 or email
Thursday, 27 November 2014
Louth Broadband plan gets clearer as new map launched
A new map service enabling people in Louth to find out whether they will get high-speed broadband from a commercial operator or the State has been welcomed by Senator Mary Moran.
“Access to broadband is vital for every home and business in our county.
“Not only does it help attract investment and jobs to rural areas, but it also enables people to interact socially with one another, access important information about public services, and to use it as a learning tool.
“The new online map service launched today by my colleague, Communications Minister Alex White, allows people to easily identify the areas where broadband will be provided by a commercial operator by the end of 2016, and where the State will then intervene.
“Each county gets its own map, giving us a very clear and accurate picture of the specific plan to deliver high-speed broadband to every single home, school and business in Louth.
“The new maps are available on, where county-specific statistics on the plans for broadband coverage can also be viewed. A consultation on the maps will also get underway with communities and industry in order to ensure they accurately reflect the extent of the planned State intervention.
“The plan to have commercial operators deliver broadband in certain parts by the end of 2016, and for the State to then invest in all the remaining areas makes sense. It is part of the Government’s overall strategy to ensure parity of coverage between urban and rural areas.
“It simply should no longer be the case that just because someone is living in a rural community, they don’t have the same opportunities when it comes to online access.
“In that vein, I strongly welcome Minister White’s confirmation again today to bridge the digital divide between rural and urban Ireland - the launch of the new maps service for each county is a step in that direction.”
Louth County Council urged to apply for share of massive€3.8 billion social housing fund
With Minister Alan Kelly
Senator Mary Moran has called on Louth County Council to ensure it applies without delay for its share of the €3.8billion social housing fund announced this week.
“We have a real social housing need in Dundalk, and this week's announcement by Minister Alan Kelly to deliver 35,000 homes across the country over the next six years is greatly welcome. Indeed this is the biggest investment in social housing in the history of the State.
"Now I am urging Louth County Council to submit applications to this fund, to address the social housing problem. New rules put in place by Minister Kelly mean that the County Council will take a strong leading role in social housing provision in Dundalk, where previously it was mainly the job of private operators.
“I also welcome confirmation from Minister Kelly that the State will also support up to 75,000 new houses through enhanced private rental sector supports.
“I regularly meet with local people in need of suitable accommodation particularly people with a disability. I lobbied Minister Kelly hard to ensure there was a significant social housing provision in the recent Budget, and today’s news of a massive investment plan shows we have delivered on that work. I will continue to work with Louth County Council and my Government colleagues to appropriately address the social housing need that exists for families as well as people with disability.
“The local authority here in Louth must ensure it gets its application in order and send it to Minister Kelly without delay, to ensure the work of providing homes for families in Dundalk begins.”
Wednesday, 26 November 2014
Tuesday, 25 November 2014
€28million minor works grant funding for primary schools
Senator Mary Moran has welcomed the announcement today that €28m in Minor Works Grant funding will issue to all primary schools with permanent recognition next week.
'This funding allocation will go towards vital improvements to school buildings, grounds, and mechanical and electrical services. The grant will also go towards purchasing standard furniture, IT related equipment and physical education equipment. Once the grant issues next week, permanently recognised schools will be in a position to carry out these works without having to deal directly with the Department of Education.
'The rates payable to fully recognised schools are €5,500 per school plus €18.50 per mainstream pupil and €74 per special needs pupil. The grant will have a significant impact on small and large schools alike.
'As Seanad Spokesperson for Education I regularly engage with principals and teachers across the county and know this grant is coming at a time when schools are in need of funding to carry out the works and purchase the equipment outlined under this grant. I look forward to the positive impact this will have for students and wider school communities in the coming months.'
Monday, 24 November 2014
Congratulations to local firm McArdle Skeath on Export Industry Award

Local company McArdle Skeath picked up the ‘Getting You There’ Company of the Year award at the Export Industry awards in the Convention Centre in Dublin on Friday night.
The Inniskeen-based firm, which offers transportation services, refrigeration and storage, were popular winners of the award, which was sponsored by Supply Chain Ireland.
They were one of three local firms to clinch one of the 11 awards on the night.
Dunleer-based Suretank picked up the High Growth Markets Exporter of the Year award, sponsored by Enterprise Ireland, while ABP Ireland in Ardee collected the Multinational Exporter of the Year award, sponsored by Aer Lingus Cargo.
Well done to all concerned.
Saturday, 22 November 2014
Saturday 6 Dec is Small Business Saturday
Small Business Saturday exists to support, inspire and promote Irish small businesses on the 6th December and beyond.
Small Business Saturday started as a grassroots, non-political, non-commercial campaign, which highlights small business success and encourages consumers to 'shop local' and support small businesses in their communities.
- Retail employs 272,000 people - most of which are employed by small local stores
- That every €1 spent in a local store is worth €4 to the local economy
- Marketing Pack
To get our Small Business Saturday Marketing collateral click here
Thursday, 20 November 2014
Be part of the Special Olympics Clogherhead Polar Plunge
Labour Senator Mary Moran is encouraging people in Co. Louth to come for a swim at Clogherhead Beach on Saturday, 6th December to raise awareness and funds for Special Olympics Ireland.
'I have had the great pleasure of working with Special Olympics over the last few years and seeing first-hand the excellent and life-changing work they undertake every single day. I have been involved in the national Polar Plunge at the 40ft in Dublin for the last four years. This year Special Olympics Ireland will be hosting Polar Plunge events throughout the country in an effort to raise funds and awareness for the organisation. The Polar Plunge involves a brief plunge into the sea with hot drinks to warm participants up afterwards. Fancy dress is encouraged and a best fancy dress prize will be awarded on the day.
'I am delighted to support and assist in the preparations for the Polar Plunge at Clogherhead Beach on Saturday, 6th December at 11am. I would encourage anyone interested in participating to contact me for further information and I would be happy to assist.
Accessibility issues need to be addressed in Dundalk Town Hall
I am urging Louth County Council to address the longstanding accessibility issues present in Dundalk Town Hall. Since entering the Seanad I have received numerous complaints, specifically regarding the auditorium and toilet facilities, from local residents regarding the accessibility of Dundalk Town Hall.
Following these representations, I have been in contact with Louth County Council over the course of the last couple of years to raise this issue.
'We have an opportunity to address this issue prior to the busy holiday and panto season and provide the appropriate facilities for people with a disability or limited mobility. Wheelchair users and individuals with a disability should be able to enjoy the same access as anyone else who visits the Town Hall.
'Earlier this year I held a meeting to address accessibility issues in Dundalk town centre following an accessibility report compiled by Mr John Morgan, a Dundalk resident. Those who attended the meeting were anxious that the council consult with them prior to undertaking works in the town centre. I fully support further consultation and believe that the accessibility issues raised regarding the Town Hall should be addressed as a matter of urgency. I will continue to actively engaging with the council and residents in the community regarding accessibility in our town centre and Town Hall.
'I will continue to engage with Louth County Council to address the accessibility issues in Dundalk Town Hall as a matter of urgency.'
First national Innovation Showcase takes place on Tues 2 Dec in the Convention Centre Dublin. Register for this free event now
First national Innovation Showcase on Tuesday 2nd December 2014 in the Convention Centre Dublin - Register Now for the Free event
Damien English T.D. Minister for Skills, Research & Innovation issues an invitation to companies in Ireland that want to find out about collaborative research, development and innovation funding and supports provided by the State.
On Tuesday 2nd of December 2014 (09.00-15.00) in the Convention Centre Dublin, companies can attend the first national showcase of Ireland’s research, technology expertise and innovation excellence.
The main focus of the event is on the 38 research centres, technology centres and national research institutes and facilities which have received significant support from the State and are delivering solutions for industry in 6 key themes; energy, food, health & medical technologies, ICT, manufacturing & materials and services and business processes. Company representatives will be able to meet the teams from the research centres and technology centres relevant to their areas of interest.
Issuing the invitation, Minister English said, “Research Centres and technology centres are already delivering excellent scientific research and impactful technologies to industry in Ireland and I am encouraging companies of all sizes to come to the showcase to meet representatives from each of the 38 centres to discuss potential collaborations”.
“In addition to learning about the expertise and resources offered by these centres, companies can also tour the showcase to learn about all State funding and supports for innovation, R&D, Horizon 2020 supports, accessing intellectual property and the resources available in Institutes of Technology” he said.
I believe this will be a unique and useful opportunity for companies to learn about what is on offer from, and what they can gain from, the wealth of knowledge and expertise that exists within Ireland’s research centres and technology centres”.
Key speakers at the event include Stefan Lindegaard, an internationally renowned expert on the topic of open innovation and Dr. Nicola Millard, a customer experience futurologist who currently works with BT’s Global Innovation Team.
Following the recent success of the European Space Agency’s Rosetta mission, companies interested in winning contracts to work with ESA should visit the ESA exhibit at the showcase and meet Dr. Brian Shortt, ESTEC, Manager of technology development for the ESA Science Programme and Ms. Kenza Benamar, Head of the SME Unit at ESA.
If you would like to attend this free business event you must register in advance via the event website
Follow @InnovateIE for more information
For more information on this press release please contact Grace Labanyi, Enterprise Ireland
Tel: +353(0)1 7272746 +353(0)873286404 E:
I lend my support to the Adoption Bill in the Seanad
Senator Mary Moran has supported the Seanad Adoption Bill 2014 which would seek to provide access to information such as birth certs and other personal records once an adoptee reaches the age of 18. 'I was delighted to support the bill on Wednesday evening as I believe it is an important step for the more than 50,000 adopted people in Ireland. I received hundreds of emails over the last number of months from those whom adoption has touched their lives. Reading through these emails was very eye opening and I am very grateful to each and every person who contacted, who shared their very personal experience and their frustrations regarding the difficulty in accessing their information--particularly original birth certificates.
'It is important that we support and provide a process within set parameters to those children, women and siblings who are searching for each other and for more information about themselves. No one should be made to feel like they are wrong or experience unnecessary frustration in the search for their information, essentially their identity. I believe that everyone should have the right to their identity and their medical history.
'Following the cross-party support for the bill in the Seanad it will now be referred to the Joint Oireachtas Committee on Health and Children.'
Wednesday, 19 November 2014
Success in Ennis for Blackrock Tidy Towns and parish schools.
Congratulations to Blackrock Tidy Towns and St Furseys and St Francis National Schools for their success in the Pride of Place awards in Ennis. Prize winners for the Eco-Tribes initiative.
Welcome for significant increase of special classes in schools
Senator Mary Moran has strongly welcomed the significant increase of special classes in mainstream schools highlighted by the Minister for Education and Skills, Jan O'Sullivan TD today at the NCSE Research Conference.
'The NCSE has sanctioned an additional 133 special classes in mainstream schools for 2015 which brings the total number of special classes in mainstream schools to 858.
This represents a significant increase in the provision of special classes in mainstream schools over the last four years. In 2010, the total number of special classes was under 500.
'We have maintained a strong level of commitment to the area of special education as evidenced by the significant increases in special classes. As Seanad Spokesperson on Education, I will continue to work with my colleague, Minister Jan O'Sullivan in the area of special education and impress the importance of continued investment in this area. I look forward to building on these positive developments in education over the coming months.'
Tuesday, 18 November 2014
New on-line resource to get through common illnesses:
- Get Advice and Get Better with -
- New online resource with advice and support to help people through common illnesses -
The Under the Weather campaign and new online support was launched by the Minister for Health, Leo Varadkar, T.D. We all need sound advice to give us the confidence and skill we need to take care of ourselves and our families; aims to give you that advice., developed by the HSE in partnership with GPs and pharmacists, offers straightforward advice on how to get through common illnesses without antibiotics.
The website gives sensible practical information, developed by health professionals, on a range of common conditions like colds, flu, earaches, sore throats and tummy bugs. It tells you how long they should last, what to expect, and what you can do to cope with, and recover from, these illnesses. The site includes a series of videos featuring GPs and Pharmacists who offer their expertise on dealing with these common illnesses, practical remedies, and advice on when to seek help from either a pharmacist or a doctor.
Research has shown that a lot of people still believe that antibiotics can help to treat common illnesses, like colds, flu, earaches, tummy bugs and rashes. In fact antibiotics are useless against most of these infections, which are caused by viruses, and antibiotics don’t work on viruses. Learning how to manage common illnesses with confidence and common sense is a great life skill and improves our understanding of when we need antibiotics and when we don’t. It’s something that we learn from our parents, friends, doctors, from our own experience and, more and more, from the internet. Under the Weather has been developed in response to this, to support the public in accessing trusted and reliable health information, developed by the HSE with expert knowledge and advice from GPs and pharmacists.
Speaking at today’s event Minister Varadkar said: “The Under the Weather campaign is about ensuring that we only use antibiotics when we really need them. Using antibiotics when they’re not necessary can cause harmful side effects and is a waste of money, but the biggest risk is that it creates stronger, more resistant infections that can make us very ill.
“Many people’s first instinct, on discovering that their child is ill or if they feel ill themselves, is to search for advice online. is a user-friendly and trustworthy website which gives advice from health professionals on how to look after yourself and your loved ones without using antibiotics, with the added reassurance of knowing when it’s time to look for support from their pharmacist or doctor.”
Mr. Tony O’Brien, Director General of the Health Service, commented; “The purpose of is to build on the work undertaken in previous years to raise awareness of antibiotic resistance but, based on feedback and research, this year we are focusing on self-care and developing the skills we all need to look after ourselves and our loved ones.
Antibiotic resistance is a global health threat, and one that is being tackled on a range of fronts, in Ireland and internationally. We need to ensure that we preserve antibiotics for when they are really needed – for everything else, your common cold and nasty cough - the best advice is on”
Dr. Philip Crowley, HSE National Director for Quality and Patient Safety, explained: “ is part of our ongoing work to tackle the global threat of overuse of antibiotics, and the fact that antibiotics are becoming less and less effective – known as antimicrobial resistance. The common conditions included in the site are almost always caused by a virus, so an antibiotic is useless in dealing with these illnesses. We want to support people to know what to do when they are unwell, and when to get advice from a health professional, but also that antibiotics are almost never the answer when it comes to these common complaints.”
GPs have a leading role to play in community prescribing of antibiotics, and Dr. Nuala O’Connor, ICGP Lead for Antimicrobial Resistance, played a leading role in developing ‘This year’s campaign marks a real departure, the simple, easy to read content, videos and advice from GPs and our Pharmacist, represent the health education that goes on in GP surgeries every day. The only way we will reduce unnecessary prescribing of antibiotics is through medical education, which we are undertaking, and public education to build confidence and reduce demand. We may know there’s no point in taking antibiotics for common viral illnesses, but will tell you what you can do, and how you can get better.
Ms. Kathy Maher, President, Irish Pharmacy Union said; ‘Pharmacists provide expert health advice in every community on how to ease the symptoms of common conditions. As well as expert advice, tips and guidance on what over the counter remedies can work for you, your pharmacist will let you know when you should seek advice from your doctor. We’re delighted to be part of the development and promotion of this innovative new resource and to work with doctors and the HSE to reduce unnecessary antibiotic use.”
Along with practical advice, Under the Weather offers videos from leading Irish GPs, Nuala O’Connor from Cork, Andrew Murphy from NUIG, and Eamonn Shanahan from Kerry who talk about a range of common illnesses affecting babies, children and adults. They provide tips on how to manage your symptoms so you’ll be feeling better as quick as possible and when you should contact your GP. The website also features pharmacist Tom Maher from Duleek Pharmacy in Co. Meath, outlining how the community pharmacist is on hand to deliver advice on over the counter remedies for you and your family. This type of rich digital content; advice from medical professionals, is ideal for the consumer audience and adds to the user friendly feel and accessible content on the site. will be promoted through radio and online advertising including video on demand (pre-roll on TV players) and through social media over the winter months. GP surgeries and community pharmacies will display printed leaflets and posters as well as stickers for pharmacy doors, to promote the new online information source. The website is mobile, tablet and desktop friendly and will be a useful companion to anyone who’s feeling under the weather. Visit for more.
Under the Weather is part of the ongoing Health Service-wide Action on Antibiotics programme, which has been in place since 2011, and supports the public and health professional professionals to take collective action to curb antibiotic resistance in our community and in our health system.
Parallel activities for medical professionals and pharmacists which focus on what they can do to keep antibiotics safe for future generations will take place at a Clinical Professional Development Session in the RCPI on Thursday, 20th November to mark European Antibiotic Awareness Day.
Monday, 17 November 2014
Friary Youth Club Quiz on Thursday 20 Nov in Byrne's of Hill St

Friary Youth Club fundraiser Table Quiz takes place on Thursday, November 20th, at 8.30pm sharp in Byrne's Pub on Hill Street. A table costs €25 and refreshments will be served on the night.
The Friary Youth Club (FYC), which is made up of over 300 members and 40 volunteer leaders, is a non-profit making organisation which relies heavily on donations and fundraising events such as this to fund it's weekly activities, equipment and leader training in areas such as First Aid and Child Protection. The proceeds of this Quiz will go towards the cost of purchasing a life saving defibrillator for our Youth Centre.
Teachers urged to reconsider strike action
Senator Mary Moran today expressed her disappointment that second level teacher unions have announced a proposed strike on Dec 2 over the proposed Junior Certificate reforms.
'In my opinion Minister O' Sullivan has made considerable movement to address the concerns of students, parents and teachers about Junior Cert reform since she became the Minister for Education.
'She has recently agreed to proposals that students will continue to receive a state certificate recognising student achievement after three years in second level education. She has also proposed that as a result of consultation with the relevant parties that a final exam in 3rd year will account for 60% of total mark While the other 40% will be marked on continuous assessment.
'I believe the Minister has made great efforts to bring a satisfactory resolution and I would urge all sides to continue to negotiate to ensure that students do not lose out.'
New website launched to help local parents get back to work
Labour has launched a website to promote back to work schemes, particularly the new Family Dividend that is designed to help Co. Louth's unemployed parents.
The website,, goes live next week and provides information on how local parents benefit from the Back to Work Family Dividend if they gain employment.
It was launched by Tánaiste Joan Burton, who introduced the dividend in the Budget to help parents bridge the cost gap of getting back to work.
This includes those who move to self-employment, such as back into the construction sector, and those on One Parent Family Payment. Anyone getting Jobseeker’s Allowance who has dependent children and goes back to work will qualify.
At present, there are 3,167 on One Parent Family Payment in Co. Louth, while there are 12,310 in receipt of Jobseeker’s Allowance.
Speaking following the website’s launch this week, Senator Mary Moran said: “Too many parents in Louth remain unemployed and part of that reason can often be the punitive cost of moving from welfare to work.
“To help curb this, we have introduced the new Back To Work Family Dividend, which allows parents retain their qualified child increase of €29.80 a week per child on a tapered basis over two years.
“This means that over the two years, a family with one child will receive additional support of €2,324 to supplement wages. A family with two children will receive €4,649, those with three children will get €6,973, while those with four or more will get €9,298.
“The new website will be a crucial tool in providing parents in Louth going back to work with information and advice as to how they can benefit from back to work schemes that are out there. The site is extremely user-friendly and its name,, is easy to remember too.
“Joan Burton has done a huge amount of work in trying to remove welfare traps from the system which disincentivise people from going back to work, and the continued decline in unemployment figures represents the fruits of that labour.
“The Back To Work Family Dividend is one of those steps and I hope it will be a significant help to people in our local community return to work.”
Christmas bonus returns for 13,503 Louth pensioners as info drive launched
Some 13,503 pensioners in Louth are to benefit from the payment of the 25% Christmas bonus this December, according to Labour Senator Mary Moran.
The news comes as an information campaign advising elderly people on how the Budget benefits them was launched this week.
It is being co-ordinated by Tanaiste Joan Burton and Labour Minister for Older People, Kathleen Lynch, with the help of their colleagues in the Labour party.
“I am pleased to confirm that approximately 13,503 pensioners in Louth will receive the 25% Christmas bonus next month.
“Christmas can be a time of greater financial strain for people, especially those on fixed incomes, and this payment will offer them some extra leeway with their personal budget ahead of the busy Christmas period. Pensioners, carers, jobseekers and those in receipt of one-parent family payment in the county will benefit from this Christmas bonus.”
The campaign will target 80,000 pensioners nationwide over the next few weeks through a series of information leaflets, local radio interviews and social media activity.
Moran says: “Sometimes in the aftermath of the Budget, information about certain measures and their impact can get lost in the noise, which is why we have decided to launch an awareness campaign for pensioners. It’s important they have clarity on how exactly the Budget benefits them and Ministers Burton and Lynch will be to the forefront of this effort.
“Not only will the partial restoration of the Christmas bonus benefit our pensioners, but they will also be helped by an increase in the Living Alone Allowance, from €7.70 to €9 a week. It may be a small increase, but it’s the first increase of its kind since 1996 and underlines how we want to support the elderly in our communities.
“Meanwhile, a decision to end the 0.6% pension levy this year, and the 0.15% pension levy at the end of 2015, will also provide a boost to pensioners’ incomes.
“The very important Seniors Alert Scheme has also been prioritised. The Budget saw some €133 million secured for investment in community programmes, and this includes the Scheme, which supports the provision of monitored alarms to enable pensioners of limited means to continue to live securely in their homes with confidence.
“Extending free GP care to over 70s is also a work in progress, with our hope being that in 2015, over 2.1 million people will have either a medical card or a GP card, and this includes our extension of GP coverage to the over 70s.
“I would urge anyone looking for further information about how the Budget benefits them to contact my office or to log onto”
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