Senator Mary Moran

Wednesday, 17 December 2014
A World of Cribs in St Joseph's Redemptorist Monastery Dundalk from Sun Dec 21st
St Joseph’s Redemptorist Monastery in Dundalk will be hosting ‘A World of Cribs’ over the festive period.
The church will host a unique display of over 450 nativities from around the world from this Sunday December 21st right through until the following week December 28th, with the exception of Christmas Day.
The display is open daily from 2pm to 5pm and admission is free.
Donations are in aid of Dundalk Simon Community while groups can be accommodated via appointment.
Saturday, 13 December 2014
Official opening of the Family Bereavement Room and launch of Tree of Remembrance in Lourdes Hospital
Thursday Dec 11th was a special day in Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital as broadcaster George Hook officially opened the hospital’s new Family Bereavement Room, and staff unveiled the annual Tree of Remembrance.
The Family Bereavement Room is a space created for relatives to grieve the passing of a loved one. It is also a dedicated space for them to spend a short period with their deceased relative before they are transferred to the care of the funeral director.
Speaking about the facility, Operational Services Manager, Yvonne Gregory complimented the staff who had fundraised to assist with the refurbishment of the space and provide the furnishings and artwork for the rooms. She said, “The provision of this facility is testament to the efforts of the hospital staff who fundraised in the last year to generate the funds to carry out this work. It is much needed within the hospital, and will offer a dedicated space of solace for families who are bereaved. I am proud of the staff for recognising and supporting this need.”
The Hospital End of Life Coordinator, Mary McGrane welcomed the opening of the facility. She said, “We aim to fulfil the requirements of a Hospice Friendly Hospital (HFH), where we have dedicated space for families to spend time near their relative who is approaching end of life. This facility meets that aim and also offers families the option of spending time immediately after death with their relative in a relaxed and quiet environment. We hope to continue to deliver similar facilities in other parts of hospital in the future.”
Fiona Edwards, A/Group General Manager, Louth Meath Hospital, added, “This is continuing our aim of realising the HFH ethos at the hospital. I am delighted also that we are able to welcome Mr. George Hook to the hospital today to undertake the official opening of the facility”.
Staff also unveiled the hospital’s Tree of Remembrance. This is a symbol of love for all who have died recently or some time ago and provides an annual opportunity for staff and visitors to remember colleagues, family and friends by placing a card of prayer or thought on the tree.
The Hospice Friendly Hospital Programme
The Hospice Friendly Hospitals Programme was launched in 2007, with the aim of developing and promoting a culture of care for those facing death in hospitals that would draw on the principles of hospice care. More information on the Hospice Friendly Hospital Initiative is available on
Mr. George Hook has undertaken work in the past with the Hospice Friendly Hospitals Initiative. He has featured in and commented on material used by the HFI as part of their media campaigns. It is for this reason that he was invited to open the facility at Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital. Hospital Management are delighted that he has taken time from his busy schedule to do so.
Thursday, 11 December 2014
Wednesday, 10 December 2014
Today in the Seanad I call for an independent inquiry into Áras Attracta
Today I called for an amendment on today's Seanad Order of Business for the Minister for Health to come into the House for a debate on Primetime programme that aired last night on Áras Attracta. 'Last night's Primetime programme displayed the disgusting lack of compassion and care for vulnerable residents by care workers in Áras Attracta. I thought very long and hard last night before tabling an amendment to the Order of Business seeking Minister Varadkar to come into the Seanad to debate the neglect and abuse that was shown on the programme. I am deeply disappointed that the motion was not seconded and was not accepted for discussion.
'The Minister of State with responsibility for Disability, Kathleen Lynch TD will be in the House this evening to discuss the matter as a result of my amendment which is tabled for a half hour debate.
'I have been contacted by many people today who are deeply upset by what they saw last night. People with an intellectual disability are the most vulnerable in our society. I was sickened and ashamed by the physical and psychological abuse directed at the residents in Aras Attracta.
'I believe we need an immediate full independent inquiry. I find it deeply concerning that Aras Attracta was found to be compliant in May.
'There are many people who were affected last night as a result of what they witnessed on the Prime Time programme--kicking, force-feeding, slapping and harsh language.
'As a member of the Seanad and as Spokesperson for Disability, I feel it is my duty to bring this matter to the fore and to call for the Minister of Health to urgently attend the House.'
Delighted to visit Dundalk Grammar School economics class last week
I spent a very interesting morning in Dundalk Grammar at the invitation of Mr Paul Brady and his senior economics class, following on from their recent visit to Leinster House.
With the economics class and teacher Paul Brady
With the economics class and teacher Paul Brady
Monday, 8 December 2014
Draft Flood Maps for Ardee available for viewing next week. OPW offices, Fair Green, Ardee Tues 16 Dec 3-7pm
RPS, who are conducting the North Western – Neagh Bann CFRAM Study on behalf of the OPW and with the support of Louth County Council, have produced Draft Flood Maps for Ardee in County Louth.
To provide an opportunity for all interested persons to view and comment on these maps, a Public Consultation Day will be held at OPW offices, Fair Green, Ardee from 3.00pm to 7.00pm on Tuesday 16th December 2014.
Members of the North Western – Neagh Bann CFRAM Study project team will be available to discuss and explain the maps to all attending on the day and to collate any local flooding information.
The Draft Flood Maps will be on display on the date stated and will also be accessible on the Study website from that date. Interested persons may provide observations on the Draft Flood Maps at the public consultation event and/or through the study website.
Draft Flood Maps for the other CFRAM Areas for Further Assessment in the North Western – Neagh Bann district are currently being drafted and will be available for public consultation during the coming months. Details of public consultation days will be advertised in the local press and on the study website
Clogherhead beach Polar Plunge a great success
With Fr Michael Cusack before the Plunge
Soldiers from Dundalk Barracks taking the Plunge
I was delighted to participate in the Clogherhead Beach Polar Plunge over the weekend to raise funds and awareness for Special Olympics Ireland. The Polar Plunge at Clogherhead was one of many polar plunges taking place across the country this December. 'This is my fourth year taking the plunge for Special Olympics and I am delighted that this year we were able to bring this great event to Co. Louth. I was delighted to support and assist in the preparations for the Clogherhead Beach Polar Plunge.
'We had an excellent turn out on Saturday with many local people and groups participating including soldiers from the Dundalk Barracks and Fr Michael Cusack from the Redemptorist who had to rush back to Dundalk in order to celebrate a wedding mass.
'Special Olympics Ireland is an organisation that is close to my heart and provides an invaluable resource for many families and individuals with an intellectual disability. It has been my honour to raise the great work of Special Olympics in the Seanad over the last three years and to participate in events such as the Polar Plunge.
'I would like to thank everyone who donated and participated in the Clogherhead Beach Polar Plunge. The generous support many have shown over the last number of weeks is greatly appreciated.'
Soldiers from Dundalk Barracks taking the Plunge
I was delighted to participate in the Clogherhead Beach Polar Plunge over the weekend to raise funds and awareness for Special Olympics Ireland. The Polar Plunge at Clogherhead was one of many polar plunges taking place across the country this December. 'This is my fourth year taking the plunge for Special Olympics and I am delighted that this year we were able to bring this great event to Co. Louth. I was delighted to support and assist in the preparations for the Clogherhead Beach Polar Plunge.
'We had an excellent turn out on Saturday with many local people and groups participating including soldiers from the Dundalk Barracks and Fr Michael Cusack from the Redemptorist who had to rush back to Dundalk in order to celebrate a wedding mass.
'Special Olympics Ireland is an organisation that is close to my heart and provides an invaluable resource for many families and individuals with an intellectual disability. It has been my honour to raise the great work of Special Olympics in the Seanad over the last three years and to participate in events such as the Polar Plunge.
'I would like to thank everyone who donated and participated in the Clogherhead Beach Polar Plunge. The generous support many have shown over the last number of weeks is greatly appreciated.'
Thursday, 4 December 2014
Lottery grants will make a real difference to Co Louth projects
Senator Mary Moran has welcomed the recent funding allocation for Louth from the National Lottery Grants allocated by the Minister for Health, Leo Varadkar TD. Community groups and organisations in Dundalk, Carlingford and Drogheda are set to benefit from over €46,000 for their projects. The Marie Gorreti Foundation which runs the respite facility for children with disabilities and life- threatening conditions in Lordship will receive €30,000 to assist in the completion of this facility. Although it has only been open a short time, many families have already benefited from the wonderful care which is provided here.
Also on the Cooley peninsula, The Cooley Complex which provides services for the older person will receive €2000 to assist in the purchase of equipment for the Active Retirement Group.
A vital service is provided to older people in Dundalk by the Cuidigh Linn organisation. Áit na nDaoine will receive €2,000 towards the cost of buying equipment used in the maintenance of older people’s homes.
Louth Community Men’s Shed has been allocated €5,000 which will be used to fund a “Men’s Shed Tool Kit”.
SNAP – Special Needs Active Parents in Dundalk will receive €2,500 to fund music therapy for children with disabilities.
In Drogheda the Multiple Sclerosis Association of Ireland will receive €1,400 to fund yoga classes for people with MS. The Drogheda Arthritis Ireland Group will also receive €3,528 to deliver ten weekly aqua aerobics classes for people with arthritis.
The National Lottery provides a vital source of funding to groups and organisations involved in community projects, making a real difference to the lives of people all over the country. All these groups in Co Louth are very well-deserving of this funding and I commend them for their continued good work.
Special Olympics Polar Plunge in Clogherhead on Sat 6th at 11am.
Delighted to meet up with some friends in the Army Barracks in Dundalk today.....all getting ready for "Freezin' for a Reason"
Why not join us in Clogherhead on Saturday at 11am.
Why not join us in Clogherhead on Saturday at 11am.
Wednesday, 3 December 2014
Road improvements welcomed on N53 between Barronstown and Hackballscross
The proposed improvements on the section of road on the N53 between Barronstown and Hackballscross is to be welcomed. The works will improve the route's consistency and integration with the previously completed works which extend from Newtownbalregan to Barronstown.
As well as enhancing the road safety and capacity, the improvement of the N53 has included overtaking sections and will lead to improved journey times and improved access from the north west to Dundalk and the M1 Motorway.
As well as enhancing the road safety and capacity, the improvement of the N53 has included overtaking sections and will lead to improved journey times and improved access from the north west to Dundalk and the M1 Motorway.
Today marks the International Day of Persons with Disabilities..
United Nations' (UN) International Day of Persons with Disabilities is annually held on December 3 to focus on issues that affect people with disabilities worldwide.

Inclusion Ireland and Down Syndrome Ireland will mark the International Day of Persons with Disabilities by hosting the Blue Teapot production of 'Sanctuary' at Dublin's Liberty Hall Theatre this evening at 8pm (no performance on Dec4th as previously advertised)
‘Sanctuary’, which was written by Christian O’Reilly, explores intimate relationships between people with intellectual disabilities.
The play highlights a little-known law which impacts on the lives of unmarried persons with an intellectual disability and seeks to prevent them from having healthy, intimate relationships.
Actors Charlene Kelly and Kieran Coppinger, both of whom have an intellectual disability, will play the lead roles.
In my role as spokesperson for Disability in the Seanad I regularly meet with local people and groups who have disabilities themselves or who work closely with people who have a disability. I will continue to advocate on their behalf in the Seanad and I am delighted to support Inclusion Ireland and Down Syndrome Ireland in this excellent and thought-provoking production by the Blue Teapot company.
Friday 5 December is the closing date for application to the Government's Surgical Symphysiotomy Payment Scheme
The Surgical Symphysiotomy Payment Scheme opened for applications on 10 November 2014. The closing date for receipt of applications is this Friday, Dec 5th 2014 at 5pm.The Government has approved Judge Maureen Harding Clark as Assessor for the Scheme. Judge Clark will implement the Scheme, on a confidential basis, on the Minister's behalf.
Applications should be posted to the “The Symphysiotomy Payment Scheme P.O. Box 12487, Dublin 1”. Registered post is advised. Applications must be original and in writing. Email applications will not be accepted.
In exceptional circumstances, the Assessor has discretion to extend the time for receipt of applications by an additional 20 working days, i.e. to Wednesday, 14 January 2015.
If you require any assistance on this matter please do not hesitate to contact me at 042-9329052/01-6183522 or
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