‘Connect and Invest - Dundalk’, is the sixth phase of the digital marketing initiative for attracting inward investment by highlighting the specific attributes of individual regional urban centres.
and Invest – Dundalk’ is an interactive experience designed for use on
tablet, smartphone and pc. Information on location, education,
lifestyle and existing IDA and indigenous companies is provided through
rich images, video and text and will be continuously updated. The
website allows IDA executives to showcase Dundalk in face-to-face client
meetings. This new marketing tool will greatly assist in conveying to clients all that the region has to offer.
For further information contact:
Breda O’Toole
Regional Business Development Manager
IDA Ireland|Finnabair Business and Technology Park|Dundalk | Co Louth
Tel: + 353 42 935 4410| Mobile: +353 87 286 9134 | Web: www.idaireland.com
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