Little Things Campaign
Things is a new mental health and wellbeing social marketing campaigns from the
HSE’s National Office for Suicide Prevention, and created in partnership with over
20 partner organisations. It was launched on Monday, 20th October in Smock Alley Theatre, Dublin 8. The campaign has three messages to share. We
want to increase the number of people who believe and know that the following
are true:
We all experience life’s storms – the day
to day difficulties that are an ordinary, everyday part of life, like stress,
grief, feeling down, worried, anxious
There are things that you can do for
yourself and others that will have a positive impact on how you feel, and how
you cope
You can find out more about the #littlethings and about mental wellbeing on, or call the
Samaritans on 116123 for a listening ear.
The Stories:
part of the Little Things campaign, three generous people have shared their
experience of life’s storms, and what #littlethings
worked for them in getting through those tough times. Úna, Robert and Alan’s stories have been animated into 40’
TV and Radio adverts and will be widely shared throughout the campaign. We also plan to add more stories to our
social and website pages over the coming months.
online resource: is a new online
resource that contains the most comprehensive online database of mental health
support services ever developed in Ireland. The site is a place to learn about mental
health, and how to support yourself and the people you love. You can find
support services near you, and learn about the #littlethings
that can make a big difference to how we feel. Services are searchable by both location and
topic and this new interactive online resource is mobile, tablet and desktop
Little Things:
what are the #littlethings? The #littlethings
are acts of self-care that are proven to help us feel better and get through
tough times. This is about you finding what works for you.

posters, cards and pictures are designed to be shared. They promote the #littlethings and encourage people to know how
they can be helpful to our mental wellbeing.
social media objectives for this campaign are:

launch takes place on Monday, 20th October at 11.30 in Smock Alley
Theatre. Minister Kathleen Lynch will
ask some of the CEOs from the partner agencies to sign the pledge wall as part
of her speech. This is a public statement of commitment that an organisation will
undertake specific actions to support the roll out of the campaign..
We have set up a Facebook page and Twitter
account to help people share their #little things
– these are currently at
and on Twitter @littlethingshub.
Please like the
Facebook page and follow @littlethingshub Twitter page, retweet any tweets and
if you have any of your own, please do use the #lilttlethings
We want to convey to people that #littlethings can make a big difference to
how we feel. We want people to be able to share their own little things, either
in words, pictures, videos, with their friends and loved ones. Talking about what works for us does us good
– and it can also help other people to find the #littlethings
that could help them. We would like you
to also encourage your members, volunteers and ambassadors to share their #littlethings! We hope that we can all help to
make the #littlethings campaign go viral, and inspire people to share what
works for them on social media when they are finding things tough. We are
hoping to get them to:
-share their
-share the website
-encourage others
to share their #littlethings
We have created sample content for you in
the attached content calendar. Please feel free to use this content on any day
from the 20th October onwards, you do not need to follow the
schedule, this has just been provided to give you ideas. Just copy and paste the text and/or images
and Facebook & Tweet away.
Suggested Tweet/FB post: What are the #littlethings that you do to
help you feel better when you are experiencing a tough time? @littlethingshub
Sample response: My #littlethings are making my kids laugh, sleep, good chats &
exercise @littlethingshub what are yours @shaneo?
hope you found this update useful and if you’d like more information about the
campaign, please get in touch with the National Office for Suicide Prevention
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