Senator Mary Moran

Tuesday, 30 September 2014
Have you made a will? This is Best Will in the World Week.
Best Will in the World Week takes place every October to highlight the importance of making a will.
During Best Will in the World Week, solicitors across the country offer will consultations for a fee of €50. People interested in making their will, or updating an existing will, are also asked to consider leaving a gift to their favourite charity once loved ones have been taken care of. For more information go to
During Best Will in the World Week, solicitors across the country offer will consultations for a fee of €50. People interested in making their will, or updating an existing will, are also asked to consider leaving a gift to their favourite charity once loved ones have been taken care of. For more information go to
National Breastfeeding Week Wed 1st Oct to Tues Oct 7th
At the start of National Breastfeeding Week the HSE is reminding mums and mothers-to-be that: ‘Every Breastfeed Makes a Difference’. National Breastfeeding Week runs from Wednesday, October 1st to Tuesday, October 7th 2014.
HSE National Breastfeeding Co-ordinator Siobhan Hourigan said today: ‘‘It is so important to recognise the vital start in life that mother's milk gives to Irish children. Breastfeeding is important for babies' growth, development and health, and reduces illness and infection. Information and assistance from health care professionals as well as practical and emotional support from family can help mothers of newborn babies starting to breastfeed."
Monday, 29 September 2014
NIID workshop on "How Irish Government works" a great success
I had the privilege and pleasure of speaking at a conference in the National Institute for Intellectual Disability, Trinity College, entitled "How Irish Government Works".
The workshop was run by the National Anti-Bullying Advocacy Group who are made up of self-advocates (people with intellectual disabilities speaking up and speaking out for their rights), supporters and allies from all over Ireland
The National Institute for Intellectual Disability (NIID) is one of Trinity College Dublin's most innovative initiatives. Its mission is promoting inclusion for people with intellectual disability through education, research and advocacy.
Included in the picture below with me are Finian McGrath TD and Fiona Weldon ( Development Worker with the National Anti-Bullying Advocacy) along with participants in the workshop.
The workshop was run by the National Anti-Bullying Advocacy Group who are made up of self-advocates (people with intellectual disabilities speaking up and speaking out for their rights), supporters and allies from all over Ireland
The National Institute for Intellectual Disability (NIID) is one of Trinity College Dublin's most innovative initiatives. Its mission is promoting inclusion for people with intellectual disability through education, research and advocacy.
Included in the picture below with me are Finian McGrath TD and Fiona Weldon ( Development Worker with the National Anti-Bullying Advocacy) along with participants in the workshop.
Dundalk Positive Mental Health Steering Committee announce events for Positive Mental Health Week
The Dundalk Positive Mental Health Steering Committee is delighted to announce that we have organised an exciting schedule for the 2nd Annual Dundalk Positive Mental Health Week. The schedule of events will include:
-Monday, 6 October -- A radio programme hosted by SHINE Regional Development Officer, Derek Pepper on DundalkFM from 10am-12pm
-Tuesday, 7 October -- Launch of an Art Exhibition by GAA Mental Health Advocate, Conor Cusack in the Activities Room, The County Museum, Dundalk at 12pm
-Tuesday, 7 October -- Public Conference 'Journey to Recovery: Living with a Mental Health Issue' in the Audio Visual Room, The County Museum, Dundalk from 2pm-4pm
Speakers will include: Senator Mary Moran, GAA Mental Health advocate, Conor Cusack, Mr Garreth Phelan and Dr. Lisa Butterly
-During the week -- The art exhibition will run throughout the week in the County Museum Dundalk. All are welcome to attend this free event. The Dundalk Positive Mental Health Committee will also be hosting a stand in the Marshes Shopping Centre 6th-13th October.
'The DPMH Steering Committee have built on the success of last year's art exhibition and mental health week programme. We have the great pleasure of welcoming former GAA player and GAA Mental Health advocate, Conor Cusack to launch our art exhibition and speak personally about living with a mental health issue. Last year, we received an impressive number of beautiful and moving art submissions for the exhibition based on the different experiences people had on their mental health journeys. It was wonderful to see how art had aided them in their recovery. The committee looks forward to the art work that will be on display this year from the Ladywell Daycare Centre, Dundalk and St. Brigid's Hospital, Ardee as well as the many individuals who have personally submitted. We would like to encourage everyone to attend the launch and visit the exhibition throughout the week.
'Each and every one of us will be touched by a mental health issue at some stage in our lives. It is important we bring awareness to this matter and promote positive mental health as a priority. We have come a long way in reducing the stigma associated with mental health and we hope that this positive mental health week will assist in this campaign. We look forward to a fantastic turnout throughout the week.'
SafeTALK programme application deadline tomorrow Sept 30th

alertness for everyone’.
Why come
to SafeTALK?
In only a few hours, you will learn how
to provide practical help to
persons who are having thoughts of suicide.
‘SafeTALK’ prepares you to
be a suicide helper. Most people with thoughts of suicide invite help. Often
these opportunities to help are missed, dismissed or avoided - leaving people
more alone and at greater risk.
SafeTALK training prepares
you to help by using the steps of TALK (Tell, Ask,
Listen and KeepSafe) to identify and engage with people who are
contemplating suicide and to connect them with further help and care.
Positive Mental Health Forum in Conjunction with the HSE are organising ‘SafeTALK’
Training will take place from
– 13:30pm
6th October 2014
Dundalk Outcommers, 8 Roden Place, Dundalk, Co. Louth
Closing Date for Applications Tuesday 30th
For more information
Bernadette Manning
Department of Health Promotion & Improvement
Health & Wellbeing Division
Health Service Executive Dublin North East
St Brigids Complex,
Co. Louth
Health & Wellbeing Division
Health Service Executive Dublin North East
St Brigids Complex,
Co. Louth
Phone: 041 6860706
Suicide alert
helpers are part of a suicide-safer Community
day programme
four basic steps to recognise persons with thoughts of suicide and connect them
with suicide helping resources.
Suitable for everyone who wants to
help prevent suicide: front line workers, clergy, volunteers, parents,
teachers, citizens …
is safeTALK?
safeTALK is a 4 hour suicide alertness
programme that prepares participants to identify persons with thoughts of
suicide and connect them to suicide first aid resources. These specific skills
are called suicide alertness and are taught with the expectation that the
person learning them will use them to help save lives. Expect to leave safeTALK more willing and able to
perform an important helping role for persons with thoughts of suicide.
happens at safeTALK trainings?
Expect to be challenged. Expect to
have feelings. Expect to be hopeful.
See powerful reminders of why it is
important to be suicide alert. Ask questions and enter discussions. Learn clear
and practical information on what to do.
Practice the TALK (Tell, Ask, Listen, and Keepsafe) steps to connect a person
with suicidal thoughts to suicide first-aid intervention caregivers.
Conclude with practice in activating a
suicide alert.
does safeTALK help prevent suicide?
safeTALK suicide alert helpers are
trained to:
- Move beyond common tendencies to miss, dismiss or avoid suicide
- Identify people who have thoughts of suicide
- Apply the TALK steps to connect a person with suicidal thoughts to people and agencies that can help.
should attend safeTALK?
This training is suitable for everyone
who wants to help prevent suicide and is prepared to become a suicide alert
Criteria Which Must Be Met
- Participants should be clear on the nature/content/expectations of the training beforehand to be able to consider whether it is appropriate to their needs
- If a potential participant has been bereaved by a suicide in a one year period leading up to the training it is recommended that they do not attend the training
- Information on safeTALK should be given to each participant before the workshop. All applications must be completed by the Applicant not Organiser’s / Line Manager’s.
- safeTALK is for over 18’s only.
- Participants practice the TALK steps – role play the steps with another participant
- Time keeping is critical. Participants need to attend the full programme (4 hours) to receive certification. Participants arriving late and leaving before the programme is complete disrupt the learning process and Will Not receive a certificate of completion
participants have difficulty committing to this time please ask them to let the
organiser know. Applicants Can Not send
someone else in their place.
- The Application to Host a SafeTALK Workshop must be returned at least one month before a training date can be scheduled.
- Participant names/applications must to be forwarded to Suicide Resource Officer via the organiser two weeks before the date of training. If these are not received the training will be cancelled.
- Once received by the Suicide Resource Officer, No Additional Names Can Be Added To The List and Only Those Whose Names Have Been Received Can Attend
- A minimum of 15 participants are needed to run the programme and a maximum of 35 can attend.
Applications Must be completed in Block Capitals by Applicant.
All fields must be completed otherwise application may not be accepted
Due to the sensitive content of this
program it is strongly advised that those bereaved by suicide do not attend
this training for at least I year after the bereavement.
Monday 6th October 2914 Dundalk Outcommers, 8 Roden Place, Dundalk
Name : ________________________________________
Gender : Male
□ Female □
you over the age of 18 years: Yes □ No □
Have you been ASIST
trained ? Yes
□ No
to date:
Profession : ______________________________________________________________________
Organisation (Employer): __________________________________________________________
(e.g. Barnardos, An Garda Siochana, School Name,
College Name, HSE,
Or Charity name eg. Console)
Department : ____________________________________________________________________
(if relevant e.g.,
Health Promotion, NEPS, Finance,
Health or Primary Care Service)
Sector (tick one) :
Work Address :
Home Address :
Email : ________________________________________________________________
Contact phone
number(s) :
For you (not Reception)
Are you available at
short notice
Yes □ No
Please select two
dates: 1st preference: _______ 2nd Preference: _______
We will make every
effort to offer first preferences, however we cannot guarantee your chosen
indicate that you understand role play is an essential part of this
workshop □
Briefly – why are you interested in this course? :
handwriting this, then please make sure it is legible.
Please note participants must attend the
entire workshop otherwise certificates will not be awarded
Those who have been given a confirmed place and then cancel without
adequate notice may not considered for future training..
National Jobs Week sees many events taking place in Dundalk
A number of events will be taking place in
the Dundalk Intreo Office and DKIT this week for local jobseekers and
employers as part of National Jobs Week.
Getting people in Dundalk back to work is my number one priority, and it is vital that we arm local jobseekers with up-to-date information on what supports and services are out there, so they can maximise their chances of getting a job. Equally, we need to ensure that employers are also supported.
National Jobs Week is a great initiative which aims to reach out to jobseekers in particular to help them succeed in their search for employment. Events happening in our local area include workshops on CV and interview advice, how to start your own business, and how the State can help support your own business.
I would encourage any Dundalk jobseeker or employer who is interested in learning more about National Jobs Week to log onto or email for more information. It is just one initiative the Government are undertaking this year to reach out to jobseekers and employers in a meaningful way as part of the overall push to tackle unemployment.
Full list of NJW events in County Louth below:
Getting people in Dundalk back to work is my number one priority, and it is vital that we arm local jobseekers with up-to-date information on what supports and services are out there, so they can maximise their chances of getting a job. Equally, we need to ensure that employers are also supported.
National Jobs Week is a great initiative which aims to reach out to jobseekers in particular to help them succeed in their search for employment. Events happening in our local area include workshops on CV and interview advice, how to start your own business, and how the State can help support your own business.
I would encourage any Dundalk jobseeker or employer who is interested in learning more about National Jobs Week to log onto or email for more information. It is just one initiative the Government are undertaking this year to reach out to jobseekers and employers in a meaningful way as part of the overall push to tackle unemployment.
Full list of NJW events in County Louth below:
Launch of DCU/DKIT Graduate School this week
Senator Mary Moran has congratulated the Dundalk Institute of Technology on the launch of the DCU DkIT Graduate School this week.
“This collaboration between two great centres of education is the culmination of several years’ work on behalf of both colleges. In 2012 a Memorandum of Understanding was signed at Oldbridge Estate, which set out the areas of co-operation which could take place to support academic programme development, research, enterprise support and internationalisation in the Dublin-Belfast Corridor and the wider North Eastern Region. The collaboration with DCU will mean even more opportunities for education and research.
'I am delighted to have the opportunity to welcome Minister Jan O' Sullivan, Minister for Education and Skills to Dundalk. I welcome the launch of the DCU DkIT Graduate School and look forward to the positive impact this will have for students and the local community.'
Jobs Week events in Dundalk taking place this week
On Monday the Dundalk Intreo Office will host a CV and Interview Advice seminar with sittings at 2, 3 and 4pm. There will also be jobseeker advice and training information event from 10am to 4pm from Monday to Thursday.
On Wednesday a Start Your Own Business event will take place from 12 noon to 4pm with an employers event in Dundalk IT that morning from 8am to 10am.
For further details about Jobs Week visit
Friday, 26 September 2014
Thursday, 25 September 2014
Moran to present at first ever disability workshop on how Irish Government works
Labour Senator Mary Moran will be co-presenting at the first ever workshop for people with an intellectual disability on 'How the Irish Government Works'. The workshop was organised by the National Anti-Bullying Advocacy Group and Ms Fiona Weldon, Anti-Bullying Advocacy Officer for the National Institute for Intellectual Disability at Trinity College.
'I am delighted to join with my colleagues, Emer Costello and Finian McGrath TD in presenting this first ever workshop for people with an intellectual disability. During my time as a Senator, I have maintained a strong commitment to education and I am delighted to have this opportunity to give an insight into my work and the workings of the Houses of the Oireachtas. I believe you are never too young or too old to learn and this workshop provides an exciting opportunity to learn more about something which affects us all: Government.
'This is the first every workshop for individuals with an intellectual disability and is an excellent platform which we need to keep building on top of. Fiona Weldon and the National Anti-Bullying Advocacy group have done tremendous work bringing forward this idea and in organising the workshop.
'I look forward to participating in this important event tomorrow and hope to participate in events of a similar nature in future.'
Reels on the Rock: Sunday 28 Sept in Blackrock
Beidh lá ceoil ‘Reels on the Rock’ ar siúl
ar príomhshráid na gCreagacha Dubha, Dún Dealgan ar 28ú Meán Fómhair
2014 i bpáirt le Rannóg an Cheoil, Institiúid Teicneolaíochta Dhún
Dealgan. Beidh céilí, drumadóireacht Samba, agus seisiúin ón 2in, chomh
maith le coirm cheoil traidisiúnta sa Secret Garden ag 8.30in.
‘Reels on the Rock’, a Community Festival of music and fun will take place on the Main Street, Blackrock, Dundalk on Sunday, 28 September 2014 in association with the Section of Music, Dundalk Insitute of Technology. Activities include a fun céilí, Samba drumming and sessions from 2pm followed by a traditional music concert in the Secret Garden at 8.30pm.
All are welcome. For more details see
‘Reels on the Rock’, a Community Festival of music and fun will take place on the Main Street, Blackrock, Dundalk on Sunday, 28 September 2014 in association with the Section of Music, Dundalk Insitute of Technology. Activities include a fun céilí, Samba drumming and sessions from 2pm followed by a traditional music concert in the Secret Garden at 8.30pm.
All are welcome. For more details see
Commitment from Minister O Sullivan on voluntary contributions in schools very welcome
Seanad Education spokesperson Senator Mary Moran has welcomed Minister Jan O'Sullivan’s commitment that she will look into the issue of not so voluntary “voluntary contributions” in primary and secondary schools.
“I raised the subject of these “not so voluntary contributions” at the Joint Oireachtas Committee on Education and Social Protection meeting today as it is an issue which I know causes much anxiety for many parents. Some schools have been known to put a lot of pressure on parents to pay this contribution, which of course is supposed to be voluntary but which is, in reality, often compulsory. Minister O'Sullivan is now fully aware of my concerns and has said she will look in to the matter.
I also took the opportunity to raise the school uniform survey that the Department of Education and Skills encouraged schools around the country to issue early this year. I strongly support meaningful consultation with parents on issues surrounding back to school costs and asked that the Minister follow up on the survey at the earliest opportunity. During difficult but recovering economic times, we must remain vigilant in the area of back to school costs. I will continue to work with Minister O'Sullivan in relation to easing the burden for parents on back to schools costs. ”
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