alertness for everyone’.
Why come
to SafeTALK?
In only a few hours, you will learn how
to provide practical help to
persons who are having thoughts of suicide.
‘SafeTALK’ prepares you to
be a suicide helper. Most people with thoughts of suicide invite help. Often
these opportunities to help are missed, dismissed or avoided - leaving people
more alone and at greater risk.
SafeTALK training prepares
you to help by using the steps of TALK (Tell, Ask,
Listen and KeepSafe) to identify and engage with people who are
contemplating suicide and to connect them with further help and care.
Positive Mental Health Forum in Conjunction with the HSE are organising ‘SafeTALK’
Training will take place from
– 13:30pm
6th October 2014
Dundalk Outcommers, 8 Roden Place, Dundalk, Co. Louth
Closing Date for Applications Tuesday 30th
For more information
Bernadette Manning
Department of Health Promotion & Improvement
Health & Wellbeing Division
Health Service Executive Dublin North East
St Brigids Complex,
Co. Louth
Health & Wellbeing Division
Health Service Executive Dublin North East
St Brigids Complex,
Co. Louth
Phone: 041 6860706
Suicide alert
helpers are part of a suicide-safer Community
day programme
four basic steps to recognise persons with thoughts of suicide and connect them
with suicide helping resources.
Suitable for everyone who wants to
help prevent suicide: front line workers, clergy, volunteers, parents,
teachers, citizens …
is safeTALK?
safeTALK is a 4 hour suicide alertness
programme that prepares participants to identify persons with thoughts of
suicide and connect them to suicide first aid resources. These specific skills
are called suicide alertness and are taught with the expectation that the
person learning them will use them to help save lives. Expect to leave safeTALK more willing and able to
perform an important helping role for persons with thoughts of suicide.
happens at safeTALK trainings?
Expect to be challenged. Expect to
have feelings. Expect to be hopeful.
See powerful reminders of why it is
important to be suicide alert. Ask questions and enter discussions. Learn clear
and practical information on what to do.
Practice the TALK (Tell, Ask, Listen, and Keepsafe) steps to connect a person
with suicidal thoughts to suicide first-aid intervention caregivers.
Conclude with practice in activating a
suicide alert.
does safeTALK help prevent suicide?
safeTALK suicide alert helpers are
trained to:
- Move beyond common tendencies to miss, dismiss or avoid suicide
- Identify people who have thoughts of suicide
- Apply the TALK steps to connect a person with suicidal thoughts to people and agencies that can help.
should attend safeTALK?
This training is suitable for everyone
who wants to help prevent suicide and is prepared to become a suicide alert
Criteria Which Must Be Met
- Participants should be clear on the nature/content/expectations of the training beforehand to be able to consider whether it is appropriate to their needs
- If a potential participant has been bereaved by a suicide in a one year period leading up to the training it is recommended that they do not attend the training
- Information on safeTALK should be given to each participant before the workshop. All applications must be completed by the Applicant not Organiser’s / Line Manager’s.
- safeTALK is for over 18’s only.
- Participants practice the TALK steps – role play the steps with another participant
- Time keeping is critical. Participants need to attend the full programme (4 hours) to receive certification. Participants arriving late and leaving before the programme is complete disrupt the learning process and Will Not receive a certificate of completion
participants have difficulty committing to this time please ask them to let the
organiser know. Applicants Can Not send
someone else in their place.
- The Application to Host a SafeTALK Workshop must be returned at least one month before a training date can be scheduled.
- Participant names/applications must to be forwarded to Suicide Resource Officer via the organiser two weeks before the date of training. If these are not received the training will be cancelled.
- Once received by the Suicide Resource Officer, No Additional Names Can Be Added To The List and Only Those Whose Names Have Been Received Can Attend
- A minimum of 15 participants are needed to run the programme and a maximum of 35 can attend.
Applications Must be completed in Block Capitals by Applicant.
All fields must be completed otherwise application may not be accepted
Due to the sensitive content of this
program it is strongly advised that those bereaved by suicide do not attend
this training for at least I year after the bereavement.
Monday 6th October 2914 Dundalk Outcommers, 8 Roden Place, Dundalk
Name : ________________________________________
Gender : Male
□ Female □
you over the age of 18 years: Yes □ No □
Have you been ASIST
trained ? Yes
□ No
to date:
Profession : ______________________________________________________________________
Organisation (Employer): __________________________________________________________
(e.g. Barnardos, An Garda Siochana, School Name,
College Name, HSE,
Or Charity name eg. Console)
Department : ____________________________________________________________________
(if relevant e.g.,
Health Promotion, NEPS, Finance,
Health or Primary Care Service)
Sector (tick one) :
Work Address :
Home Address :
Email : ________________________________________________________________
Contact phone
number(s) :
For you (not Reception)
Are you available at
short notice
Yes □ No
Please select two
dates: 1st preference: _______ 2nd Preference: _______
We will make every
effort to offer first preferences, however we cannot guarantee your chosen
indicate that you understand role play is an essential part of this
workshop □
Briefly – why are you interested in this course? :
handwriting this, then please make sure it is legible.
Please note participants must attend the
entire workshop otherwise certificates will not be awarded
Those who have been given a confirmed place and then cancel without
adequate notice may not considered for future training..
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